A farewell from our dear friend & collaborator Corbin Murdoch
Dear Pageant Community,
On June 1st, a year to the day from when I arrived, I’ll be moving away from PEI to take on a new role as Executive Director of the Dawson City Music Festival. I am excited to be taking on this next challenge, but also very sad to be saying goodbye.
What a year it has been! Immediately upon arrival I was swept up in Pageant production, meeting the hundreds of amazing artists and volunteers that bring New Glasgow to life each summer. I got to work in the Pageant garden right through to harvest, in preparation for Sharing the Field-- an event that would have been derailed by Hurricane Fiona, were it not for the resilience and spirit of this amazing community. I also got to see the darkest night of the year illuminated by hundreds of homemade lanterns during the River Clyde Solstice Walk. A year full of beautiful memories.
All the while, I had the honour of working beside Megan to plan the next chapter of RCP. A couple weeks ago we held a public open house at New Glasgow Lobster Suppers to announce an aspirational goal: the opening of a rural arts hub that will serve as a permanent home for the Pageant. The energy in the room that evening was palpable. It is clear to me that RCP’s future is very bright.
I can’t thank you enough for welcoming me so warmly and introducing me to the beautiful island you call home. Special thanks to RCP’s Board and, of course, to my dear friend and colleague Megan, who first invited me here and who has taught me so much during my stay.
My time here has been a gift and I’ll be forever grateful. Keep in touch!