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We envision a world where sustained encounters between community, art and ecology spark transformation and wonder.

A world where creative, joyful disruptions arise through attention to people & place.

Where strong communities lead with generosity, and are rooted in the land.

Where people of all ages create together, discovering  their unlimited potential.

Where inclusive communities are learning and evolving our collective histories.

Our Mission

Our mission is to engage the artistry and imagination within the communities of the River Clyde, through the creation of seasonal outdoor performances that illuminate the land and its people.

Our collaborative process is as intrinsic to this engagement as the performances themselves. 

We unite professional artists and local creators across cultures and creative practices in the making of ambitious, provocative and awe-inspiring theatre.

We honour the stories and the L’nu of Mi’kma’ki, and aim to follow their lead in stewarding the land for future generations.


creativity, magic, artistic bravery, joy, abundance, transformation

togetherness, accessibility, equity, freedom, decolonization, anti-oppression

presence, engagement, empowerment, self and community actualization, devotion

Care for people
support, generosity, collaboration, respect, friendship, health, nourishment, love 

Care for place
environmental sustainability, stewardship, responsibility, connection


We aim to be accountable to
our community of participants,

the Mi’kmaq community, our funders, the founding impulse & artistic vision of Ker Wells - our friend, collaborator, mentor and brother, and to The River Clyde.